Sunday, April 24, 2011

Next week

Here I am still on the Cymbalta.  I've given up my daily nap last week.  After three tries and no sleep I can say the Cymbalta is affecting that.  I'm plenty tired when I get home and can sleep ok.  I just need to make sure I get rid of the caffeine early.

Otherwise I'm feeling more calm in the face of stress.  We'll see if anything else is coming.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day three

Still no nap.  I'm kind of tired but I couldn't sleep again.  I'm pretty sure its the Cymbalta causing this.

I'm not sure if I'm feeling more positive but I seem to be at least a little.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day two. Before nap time

Day two:  I seem to have a little more zip today.  Not sure if it is the medication or just me.  I did however, have the energy to do both the dog's nails before I finished with my first cup of coffee.

Either boredom set in or I lost interest in TV.   LOL. 

Nap time did not pan out again.  I was unable to sleep though I still feel kind of tired.  That could be that I was uncomfortable tonight. Too warm or too much noise or something…

Day one

I'm almost done with my shift and missed my nap during lunch (I usually nap for 20 to 30 minutes during my lunch.) Today however, I was unable to sleep not because of noise or other problems. I was unable to keep my eyes closed and couldn't relax enough to sleep. Normally that isn't a problem.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A User's blog on Cymbalta

Greetings All.

Today was the first dose of Cymbalta that I have ever taken.  In reading some user reviews about Cymbalta on various websites, I think that several of those reviews I read were a little slanted.  After reading several reviews it may be the patients taking this drug are partially to blame for their issues and perceptions of the drug.

My intention is to report in the factual style that blog readers expect.  I also intend log comments on an almost daily basis to report and you will see what's up with Cymbalta.  Please keep in mind this is not an official study and is not related to Eli Lilly or any organizations related to the use or non-use of Cymbalta.

Today was my first day taking Cymbalta so the next few weeks will tell. At this time I have not noticed anything at all except for the usual restroom issue where I feel like I have to go all day long my first day after the weekend.  In my first two hours of work I had to urinate twice and then again while on break. While this is not good, it is normal for me.  After a three day weekend, I usually find that my continence is in question.  I often have to run to the restroom multiple times in the evening. But by the following day or day after that, it evens out and I can usually wait till my normal breaks. We'll see in the next two days.

Until then I will keep you updated on my posts here.